Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Variety of Things

So it's been a while since my last post. I'll just clue you in as to what I've been doing the past two weeks. I did some score cataloging for Lina. Cataloging is so complex, but I feel like when you remember all the steps and repeat them, it becomes less foreign. It's also a challenge to finish all the work because it is overwhelming going through records and trying to find the perfect one for our library. Some records have wrong editions or dates... there's a lot of work that goes into what the average student sees on their side of MusCat or WorldCat. Outside of cataloging, I have been helping two students find examples of program notes for their senior recitals. One student had composers whose birthdates were nowhere to be found on the web. A big question is how does one cite composers without a known birthdate? Put a circa date or nothing at all? The internet broadway databases did not seem to find fault in having bios without mentioning DOB. But for a recital program there is a strict outline and date of birth is required. Anyway, we never figured out the answer to that question because Lina saved the day by looking up authority records in OCLC (cataloging software). Librarians have access to information that no one else has, like the CIA. It's pretty cool (though probably not as cool as the CIA). Additionally, I looked up library resources on Irish music, and incorporated them into the program for the Cormorant's Fancy concert at Notes at Noon tomorrow. [See their website:]. I also hung flyers for the event, which I'm used to doing for gospel choir. I'm also in the process of looking up a score for percussion ensemble. Yesterday I joined Tim in giving a library tour to a prospective ethnomusicology professor. It reminded me of my first library tour when I was a prospective student! I think next time though we should talk about the 4th floor before we get up there since the students who were studying there seemed pretty annoyed with our tour. There was some not-so-subtle coughing. Anyway, as you can see, I do a lot of different tasks that relate to libraries and music. So far, I enjoy doing all of them.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you've been busy! I'm glad that you're learning about some of the special powers librarians have. :) I think you're the first person I've heard compare us to CIA agents,'though. Nice!
