Sorry it has been so long since my last post. This semester has been busy. Really wonderful, but busy. Just a note about Banned Books Week, it seemed to go really well to me. At the end of the week there were only 6 buttons left! Most of them Twilight, but that's alright with me. I took a few pictures of the cart we had set up and I thought I'd give you a peek!

This was the display we had set up around one of the columns at the front of the library. The poster looked like it said "For Biden" if you looked at it from the side, but it still looked nice I think. About five minutes after we put the carts out on the first day, a student stopped to look at it! I'm starting to get a feel for the side of being a librarian that includes making exhibits and teaching, and I have to say I really like it.
We ended up putting the reasons for banning each book on the other side of the cover, in plastic cases, so that students could turn it around, rather than flipping the cover over. Having the answers hidden would have been good too but this was easier and I think it turned out really well! Oddly enough, someone actually took the Hunger Games one. What a strange thing to steal, but I guess it is flattering they liked it so much.

On the other side, we had this comment box and the pins! I was really pleased that people took the pins and happy about the number of comments we recieved as well. I wasn't sure how many students would actually participate, but there were quite a few. And nobody put anything vulgar or rude in there, which is always a concern when comment boxes are used. I don't know what it is, but people enjoy writing rude things in them. Anyway, the whole event turned out great and was really interesting for me as my first experience with organizing something like this. I ended up making 130 pins! A lot more than I expected and I completely loved it. I might buy a button maker now so I can make my own book cover buttons.
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